BAAA works intensively with entrepreneurship and we focus on that more and more students work with professional skills and character qualities. This is all about training PUNCompetences! PUNC is extremely important in preparing students for the 21 St. century.
In the PUNC Project we are responsible for IO3, so right now the relevant and valuable learning activities and tools, all partners have developed, are in the test phase.
The next, and very important step is working out the PUNC Box, which will contain the PUNC Framework, PUNC menu and all the activities and tools. Complicated, but exciting work, for which we had a lot of valuable input during the TPM in May in Aarhus.

In august, we facilitate an internal knowledge café at BAAA, where we invite all our colleagues to learn more about PUNC.
Moreover, when all our new students start late August, they will meet some of the PUNC learning activities and tools. In September we will invite other Higher education institution (HEI’s) in Denmark to learn about PUNC.
Exciting times ahead 😊